Hey Jorja! Your blog site looks fantastic! It is clear and filled with so many pictures! I was wondering did you take all those pictures yourself? As of your actual blog post, I liked how you compared your social media to a memory scrapbook. This really resonated with me, as this is one of the main reasons I post on social media. I love looking back at all my memories. I also find that posting my favourite memories captivates best who I am and the image I want to be creating for myself online! Of course, however, these memories must be appropriate for all audiences to maintain that professional image. I found your post to be clear, although adding headers may help make it even clearer. Additionally, although you have many pictures within your site, maybe adding more to the posts themselves might help break up all the wording! Just some suggestions!

Thanks for sharing


Here is a link to Jorja’s blog post #2, where my comment is also visible