month July 2024

Blog Post #4

Diverse PLN Benefits Having a diverse Personal Learning Network (PLN) improves learning and personal/professional growth as individuals are exposed to multiple perspectives, including varying levels of expertise, instead of just one. This encourages individuals to form their own viewpoints on… Continue Reading →

Response on Izze’s Blog Post #2

Hello Izze, Great second blog post! I liked the layout. You have plenty of great visuals that help support your writing. I also thought these helped to break up some of the writing! I agree that it is important to… Continue Reading →

Blog Post #3

Social Media and Learning Communities I decided to research craft ideas as this summer I am working as a summer camp leader and I am always looking for new craft ideas I can do with the kids. I looked at… Continue Reading →

Response on Jorjas Blog Post #2

Hey Jorja! Your blog site looks fantastic! It is clear and filled with so many pictures! I was wondering did you take all those pictures yourself? As of your actual blog post, I liked how you compared your social media… Continue Reading →

Response on Francescas Blog Post #2

Hi Fran, great second blog post! Your website looks great! It is clear, easy to follow, and has a lot of visual elements! I really enjoyed the TED Talk you attached in your post! Thanks for sharing it! It sounds… Continue Reading →

Blog Post #2

What is digital identity? Digital identity can be defined as “your presence online” (Stoller, 2016). This encompasses everything that you post, comment, and share online. In other words, all the information about a person that is found online, including a… Continue Reading →

Blog Post #1

My name is Abby! I am going into my third year of elementary education! I grew up in the Comox Valley and moved to Victoria last year for School. I love to hike, bake, swim, ski, and snowboard. What interests… Continue Reading →

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